“The best time to act on this was decades ago. The second best time is now.”
-David Brin
There is probably no more of an effective way to shut down, dismantle and destroy the overmilitarized, nazi American fascist police state than with an EMP blast
over the center of the North American continent (Target: Denver Colorado).
An EMP blast would bring down every single illegal spy and surveillance camera in the country and permanently put out of business the sprawling national security obsessed
American police state that has metastisized like a cancer throughout the nation since the turning of the millenium.
An EMP blast from a high altitude nuclear detonation, a distant psychotronic discharge or via a massive X-class solar electromagnetic pulse strike on the Earth, would bring down the entire array of surveillance, communications, GPS location and internet relay orbiting satellites now encircling the globe. Such a blast would also most likely take out the entire US defense contractor/war industry in one fell swoop.
An EMP strike would permanently put the Global War Machine out of business as well as end the incessant US warmongering all over the planet.
An electromagnetic pulse burst could conceivably lay the foundation for a "re-booting" of the nation thereby forcing a re-orientation of national priorities geared towards building and constructing a Global Green World Order for Mankind.
The United States of America is today a psychopathic, psychotic, overmilitarized, overly security obsessed, demonic, violent, perverted, wicked and evil nation. An EMP blast centered over the heart of the nation
would probably be the best thing that could happen to the country to wrench it off its current trajectory of near certain implosion and inevitable nuclear destruction in the fullness of time.
Steve Jones
aka- Jonas the Prophet
Denver, Colorado